EECE.3220: Data Structures
Instructor: Dr. Michael Geiger
Fall 2019
Course Schedule
This page contains a tentative schedule of topics we will cover throughout the term. As the semester progresses, I will update the schedule to show the actual dates on which we cover material, as well as provide links to the lecture slides. Note that most lectures are associated with some section(s) of the textbook, which I suggest you read prior to class. Additional reading material includes relevant tutorials from The reading assignments will be updated as the semester goes on.
Assignments: All assignments will be part of the textbook, a web-based text available through the zyBooks website. You will have short exercises to complete in each section of the text, with due dates to be posted as the semester goes on. You will also have several longer programming assignments to complete. To purchase the text, please follow the directions listed on the Blackboard site--you should access the text through Blackboard both for the initial purchase and to complete all assignments.
Exams: The first exam will be held Thursday, 10/3, from 2-4 PM in Ball 328.. The second exam will be held Thursday, 11/7, from 2-4 PM in Ball 328. The third exam will be held Tuesday, 12/17, from 8-11 AM in Olsen 407.
Lecture Recordings: Echo360 recordings are available from Select "Log in via Institution," choose "University of Massachusetts-Lowell" from the drop-down list, then log in with your UML e-mail address and password. You will then be able to view lecture recordings from all courses in which you are enrolled, including this one. Recordings are also available on the course Blackboard site.
Week | Date (Mon.) | Lecture Topics | Handouts | Reading | Assignments | |
1 |
9/2 |
No Monday lecture--Labor Day |
F: 1.1-1.12, 2.1-2.24 3.1-3.20, 4.1-4.13 |
2 |
9/9 |
Tuesday, 9/10: last day to add without permission number 4. C to C++: strings (continue Lec. 3 slides) 5. String examples (Lec. 3 slides); algorithmic complexity |
M: 6.1-6.8 W: Review 2.15, 3.12-3.15 F: 18.1-18.6 |
Ch. 1-4 exercises (due 9/16) Program 1 (Sec. 2.25, 3.21, 4.14, 6.19) (due 9/20) |
3 | 9/16 |
6. Algorithmic complexity (continued) (continue Lec. 5 slides) Tuesday, 9/17: last day to add/drop course 8. Class basics (continue Lec. 7 slides) |
M: None W: 17.4-17.5 F: 7.1-7.10 |
Ch. 18 exercises (due 9/24) HW 1 (Solution) (due 9/30) |
4 | 9/23 |
9. Classes and composition (continue Lec. 7 slides) |
Class examples: |
M: None W: 7.11-7.12 F: 8.1-8.3 |
5 | 9/30 |
12. Vectors 13. Exam 1 Preview EXAM 1: Thursday, 10/3, 2-4 PM, Ball 328 No Friday lecture |
M: 5.1-5.11 |
6 | 10/7 |
14. Stacks 15. Stacks (continued) (continue Lec. 14 slides) 16. Exam 1 Review |
Array-based stack code: |
M: 20.12-20.13, 20.17 W: None F: None |
Program 2 (Sec. 7.20, 7.21) (due 10/16) |
7 | 10/14 |
No Monday lecture--Columbus Day 17. Linked stacks (Tuesday, 10/15) 18. Linked stacks (continued) (continue Lec. 17 slides) |
Linked stack code: |
M: None W: None F: 7.13-7.14 |
8 | 10/21 |
20. Operator overloading (continued) 21. Templates 22. Queues |
Stack template code (linked): Queue template code (array-based): |
M: None W: 13.1-13.3 F: 20.14-20.16 |
Ch. 20 exercises (due 11/1) |
9 | 10/28 |
23. Linked queues (continue Lec. 22 slides) 24. Finish linked queues (continue Lec. 22 slides) 25. Linked lists |
Linked list code: |
M: None W: None F: 20.1-20.10 |
10 | 11/4 |
27. Exam 2 Preview Exam 2: Thursday, 11/7, 2-4 PM No Friday lecture |
11 | 11/11 |
No Monday lecture--Veterans Day 28. Exam 2 Review Thursday, 11/14: Last day to withdraw 29. Recursion |
W: None F: 11.1-11.9 |
12 | 11/18 |
M: 22.1-22.3 W: 22.4-22.10 F: 23.1-23.4 |
Ch. 11 exercises (due 11/25) Program 3 (Sec. 20.18) (due 12/9) |
13 | 11/25 |
33. Balanced BSTs: AVL and red-black trees (continue Lec. 32 slides) No Wednesday, Friday lecture--Thanksgiving Break |
M: 23.5-23.8 |
14 | 12/2 |
No Monday lecture--university closed 34. Heaps |
Ch. 22 & 23 exercises (due 12/12) |
15 | 12/9 |
37. Exam 3 Preview Classes end Thursday, 12/12 |
Program 4 (Sec. 20.19) (due 12/18) |
12/17 |
EXAM 3: Tuesday, 12/17, 8-11 AM in Olsen 407 Course evaluation form--must be completed before exam |
Last update12/11/2019 3:36 PM