EECE.3220: Data Structures
Spring 2019
Section 202: MWF 3-3:50 PM, Ball 208
Dr. Michael Geiger
Office: Ball Hall 301A
Phone: 978-934-3618 (x43618 on campus)
Office hours: MWF 1-1:50 PM; TuTh by appointment
Shubham Tikare (e-mail:
Grader office hours: Tu 9-11 AM, Ball 301E (ECE Conference Room)
Tutoring Hours:
Drop-in tutoring hours available through CLASS (Searchable tutoring schedule)
Notes and useful links:
For all announcements, see the course Blackboard page
Course schedule (contains handouts, lecture slides, and assignments)
Notes on recommended IDEs
Windows users: Microsoft Visual Studio Community
(free if registered using free Microsoft account at or before end of trial period)
Mac users: Xcode
Available through Mac app store
Other IDEs
Visual Studio also available through VLabs
Eclipse C/C++: runs on Windows/Mac/Linux
Last updated 02/12/2019 5:07 PM