16.317: Microprocessor Systems Design I
Spring 2015
Section 201: MWF 9-9:50 AM, Ball 214
Instructor: Dr. Michael Geiger
Office: Perry Hall 118A
Phone: 978-934-3618 (x43618 on campus)
E-mail: Michael_Geiger@uml.edu
Office hours: M 10-11:30, W 10-11:30, Th 5-6
During the above hours, student questions are my top priority.
I may not be available regularly at the start of the term,
but I plan to be on campus more as the semester goes on.
I am available by appointment outside of my scheduled hours.
Teaching assistants:
Lu He (e-mail: Lu_He@student.uml.edu; office hours T 1-3 and Th 1-3)
Peilong Li (e-mail: Peilong_Li@student.uml.edu; office hours M 1-3 and W 1-3)
TAs will be available in Ball 406 (their office) during these hours
Course schedule (contains handouts, lecture slides/recordings, and assignments)
For all announcements, see the discussion group on piazza.com
Microsoft Visual Studio Express
(free if registered using free Microsoft account at or before end of trial period)
If installing 2013 version, use "Express 2013 for Windows Desktop" (not "Express 2013 for Windows")
If installing 2010 version (for older machines), use "Visual C++ 2010 Express"
Last updated 05/17/2015 09:39 PM