EECE.3170: Microprocessor Systems Design I
Fall 2016
Section 201: MWF 8-8:50 AM, Pasteur 301
Instructor: Dr. Michael Geiger
Office: Perry Hall 118A
Phone: 978-934-3618 (x43618 on campus)
Office hours: M 9-10:30, W 9-10:30, Th 1:30-3
During the above hours, student questions are my top priority.
I will also be in my office MW 10:30-11:45 and F 9-11:45, and
I am available by appointment at other times.
Course schedule (contains handouts, lecture slides/recordings, and assignments)
For all announcements, see the discussion group on
Last updated 11/30/2016 7:47 AM