16.216: ECE Application Programming
Summer 2012
TTh 2-5 PM, Olsen 405
F (7/27 & 8/10 only) 2-5 PM, Olsen 405
Instructor: Dr. Michael Geiger
Office: Perry Hall 118A
Phone: 978-934-3618 (x3618 on campus)
E-mail: Michael_Geiger@uml.edu
Office hours: MTTh 10-12
For all announcements, see the discussion group on piazza.com.
Sign up directly at this link or search for the group using course number "16.216" (don't forget the period)
You must register with a uml.edu e-mail address, but can change your preferred e-mail address later
Course documents
Handouts, lecture slides, and assignments are on the course schedule page
NOTE: The late penalty for programming assignments during the summer is -(4n-1) points per n days late, not -(2n-1) points as shown in the above document. The syllabus has the correct information.
Extra credit grading guidelines (To be posted)
OId exams:
Notes on IDEs
Microsoft Visual Studio
Full version through dreamspark.com
NOTE: Site works with Internet Explorer; issues with other browsers
NOTE: Visual Studio download as .iso, not .exe
Must burn to CD or mount (can use Virtual CloneDrive) to install
Can also use Visual C++ Express
NetBeans--runs on all platforms; supports C/C++/Java (and others)
Must have existing compiler installed--Mac users need XCode
Eclipse-related links
Last updated 05/17/2015 09:40 PM