16.216: ECE Application Programming
University of Massachusetts Lowell
Spring 2013
Section 201: MWF 12-12:50, Ball 326
Instructor: Dr. Michael Geiger
Office: 118A Perry Hall
Phone: 978-934-3618 (x3618 on campus)
E-mail: Michael_Geiger@uml.edu
Office hours: M 1-2:30, W 1-2:30, Th 1-3
Course schedule (contains handouts, lecture slides/recordings, and assignments)
For all announcements, see the discussion group on piazza.com.
Notes on IDEs
Microsoft Visual Studio
Full version through dreamspark.com
NOTE: Site works with Internet Explorer; may have issues with other browsers
NOTE: Visual Studio 2010/2012 downloads as .iso, not .exe
Must burn to CD or mount (can use Virtual CloneDrive) to install
Can also use Visual C++ Express or Visual Studio Express
If installing 2012 version, use "Express for Windows Desktop"
If installing 2010 version, use "Visual C++ 2010 Express"
NetBeans--runs on all platforms; supports C/C++/Java (and others)
Must have existing compiler installed--Mac users need XCode
Eclipse-related links
Last updated 05/17/2015 09:40 PM