16.317: Microprocessor Systems Design I

Spring 2014

Section 201: MWF 8-8:50 AM, Ball 210


Instructor: Dr. Michael Geiger

Office: Perry Hall 118A

Phone: 978-934-3618 (x43618 on campus)

E-mail: Michael_Geiger@uml.edu

Office hours: M 1-2:30, W 1-2:30, Th 3-4:30


Teaching assistants:

Lu He (e-mail: Lu_He@student.uml.edu; office hours M 1-3 and W 1-3)

Peilong Li (e-mail: Peilong_Li@student.uml.edu; office hours T 1:30-3:30 and Th 1:30-3:30)

TAs will be available in Ball 406 (their office) or Ball 407 (Microprocessors lab) during office hours



Last updated 05/17/2015 09:39 PM