EECE.2160: ECE Application Programming

Instructors: Dr. Lin Li and Dr. Michael Geiger

Spring 2019


Course Schedule

This page contains a tentative schedule of topics we will cover throughout the term. As the semester progresses, I will update the schedule to show the actual dates on which we cover material, as well as provide links to the lecture slides. Note that most lectures are associated with some section(s) of the textbook, which I suggest you read prior to class. The reading assignments will be updated as the semester goes on.

Assignments: All assignments will be part of the textbook, a web-based text available through the zyBooks website. You will have short exercises to complete in each section of the text, which are due 3 days after the related lecture. You will also have several longer programming assignments to complete. To purchase the text, please follow the directions listed on the course home page.

Exams: The exam dates are fixed--the first exam will be held on Friday, February 22 in class, the second exam will be held on Monday, April 1 in class, and the third exam will be held Tuesday, May 7, from 3-6 PM (location TBD).


Lecture Recordings: Echo360 recordings are available from Select "Log in via Institution," choose "University of Massachusetts-Lowell" from the drop-down list, then log in with your UML e-mail address and password. You will then be able to view lecture recordings from all courses in which you are enrolled, including this one. Recordings are also available on the course Blackboard site.

Week Date (Mon.) Lecture Topics Handouts Reading Assignments



 No Monday lecture--Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

 1. Course introduction/overview

 2. Basic C program structure; IDE demos


 Lec. 2 questions

 W: None

 F: 1.1-1.9

 Program 1 (Sec. 1.10)

 (due 1/29)



 3. Data types; variables

 No Wednesday lecture--delayed opening

 4. Operators; output with printf()

 Lec. 3 questions

 Lec. 4 questions

 M: 2.1-2.8

 F: 2.9-2.14

 Program 2 (Sec. 2.17)

 (due 2/8)

3 2/4

 5. More on printf(); scanf() intro

 6. scanf() details

 7. Debugging basics; if statements

 Lec. 5 questions

 Lec. 7 questions

 M: 2.16, review 2.13

 W: None

 F: 3.1-3.4

 Program 3 (Sec. 3.15)

 (due 2/25)

4 2/11

 8. Else and else if blocks

 9. Range checking; switch statements

 10. Switch examples; while and do/while loops

 Lec. 9 questions

 M: 3.5-3.12

 W: 3.13-3.14

 F: 4.1-4.4

5 2/18

 No Monday lecture--Presidents Day

 11. Loop examples (Tuesday, 2/19)

 12. Exam 1 Preview

 Friday, 2/22: EXAM 1

 Lec. 11 questions

 T, W, F: No reading

6 2/25

 13. For loops

 14. Exam 1 Review

 15. PE2 (Conditionals, while loops)

 Lec. 13 questions

 M: 4.5-4.8

 W, F: None

 Program 4 (Sec. 4.10-4.12)

 (due 3/21)

7 3/4

 No Monday lecture--university closed

 16. Finish PE2 (Lec. 15 slides)

 17. Functions

 Lec. 17 questions

 Lec. 17 code:




 W: None

 F: 5.1-5.7

8 3/11

 No classes--Spring Break

9 3/18

 18. Function examples

 19. Pointer arguments

 20. Pointer argument examples (continue Lec. 19 slides)

 Lec. 18 questions

 Lec. 19 questions

 Lec. 19 code:




 M: Review 5.1-5.7

 W: 5.8-5.13

 F: None

10 3/25

 21. Pointer argument examples (cont.); arrays

 22. Arrays (continued) (finish Lec. 21 slides)

 23. Exam 2 Preview

 Lec. 21 questions

 M: None

 W: 6.1-6.10

 F: None

 Program 5 (Sec. 5.14)

 (due 4/5)

11 4/1

 Monday, 4/1: EXAM 2

 24. Arrays and functions; Character arrays and strings

 25. Exam 2 Review

 M: None

 W: 6.11-6.14

 F: None

 Program 6 (Sec. 6.15)

 (due 4/15)

12 4/8

 26. Program 6 overview; character arrays and strings

 Tuesday, 4/9--last day to withdraw

 27. String functions (finish Lec. 26 slides)

 28. Structures

 Lec. 25 & 26 questions

 Lec. 28 questions

 M: 7.1-7.6

 W: 7.7-7.12

 F: 8.1-8.5

13 4/15

 No Monday lecture--Patriots' Day

 29. P7 overview; structures review

 30. Nested structures

 Lec. 30 & 31 questions

 W: None

 F: None

 Program 7 (Sec. 6.16)

 (due 4/24)

14 4/22

 31. PE3: Structures (continue Lec. 30 slides)

 32. File I/O

 33. File I/O (continue Lec. 32 slides)

 PE3 starter files:

 Main program

 Name.h, Name.c

 SINew.h, SINew.c

 PE3 solutions:

 Name.c, SINew.c

 Lec. 32-35 questions

 M: None

 W: 9.1-9.4

 F: Review 7.3 (fgets)

 Program 8 (Sec. 8.6)

 (due 5/3)

15 4/29

 34. Finish file I/O; character input

 35. Line input; I/O examples (finish Lec. 34 slides)

 36. Exam 3 Preview

 Classes end Friday, 5/3

 M, W, F: No new reading

 Program 9 (Sec. 9.5)

 (extra credit, due 5/8)


 EXAM 3: Tuesday, 5/7, 3-6 PM, Ball 210

 Course evaluation form--must be completed before exam


Last updated: 05/03/2019 9:13 PM